Sizes of joint articular surfaces in Homo sapiensSizes of joint articular surfaces in Homo sapiens
Sizes of joint articular surfaces in Homo sapiens and Pan paniscus and the relevance to locomotor differences
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Saladin 5e Extended Outline Chapter 9 Joints I. Joints and Their Classification (pp. 286–290)Saladin 5e Extended Outline Chapter 9 Joints I. Joints and Their Classification (pp. 286–290)
A. Any point where two bones meet is called a joint
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Test: JointsTest: Joints
The major bones that articulate at the knee joint include the patella, femur, and
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Chapter 8: joints of the skeletal system objectivesChapter 8: joints of the skeletal system objectives
Distinguish between the functional and structural classification of joints, and relate the terms that are essentially synonymous
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Directory of industrial production and mines division of mines and geology geological serviceDirectory of industrial production and mines division of mines and geology geological service
Fez as the bird flies, in the western Middle Atlas (fig. 1). It is reached from Boulemane, either by a mule track that rises rather high in Jebel Tichoukt
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Paleontology of madagascar IV. Dinosaurs byPaleontology of madagascar IV. Dinosaurs by
Mr. Lydekker to a sauropod known by the name Bothriospondylus madagascariensis 1(1); among those from the Cretaceous, bones of one belong to a theropod
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